Bulbs FAQs

1. I am having trouble how to connect the smart bulbs to the app. My wifi is 2.4g. My 5G is disabled already. Can you help me?

First, please make sure you have the correct app which is ghomesmart app.

Here are the direct download links of the app for your reference:

ghomesmart app

For iOS: https://smartapp.tuya.com/ghomesmart

For Andriod: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ghomesmart.smart


Then, open the app, click the add device or + sign at the upper right hand of the app, then please make sure you click the Light source under the Lighting tab.

Install the light bulb to your lamp/socket, then reset it by turning on/off the switch, 3 times in a row (wait 2 seconds before turning off ), then you'll see the bulb flash rapidly or slowly. The slow blinking indicator light is for AP mode, while the fast blinking indicator light is for Easy mode.

Easy Mode: http://y2u.be/AE-EWGnIQdQ 

AP Mode: http://y2u.be/dUO0KwY0Ct0


Make sure you enter your correct Wifi password.  Do not use VPN (Virtual Private Network) or Proxy Server and remove wifi extender if you have any.


2. My smart bulbs stopped working/showing offline on the app. Please help me to get it working again.

Could you please try to remove the bulbs from the app and reset the bulbs before connecting again? To remove the bulb from the app: Click the bulb's name -click edit sign (upper right-hand side)

Go to the bottom of the screen and click "Remove Device" or "Remove Device -clear data" *If you would like to delete all saved automation/schedule

Install the light bulbs to your lamp/socket, then reset it by turning on/off using the lamp’s switch, 3 times in a row (wait 2 seconds before turning off ), then you'll see the bulb flash rapidly or slowly. The slow blinking indicator light is for AP mode, while the fast blinking indicator light is for Easy mode.

Easy Mode: http://y2u.be/AE-EWGnIQdQ

AP Mode: http://y2u.be/dUO0KwY0Ct0


If the issue persists, please provide us with the Virtual ID for technical checking.  To find the Virtual ID, please open the app- click the device name - and click "edit sign"  on the top right of the screen; Click "Device Information", then you'll find "Virtual ID".Please do not reset the smart device while we are checking the Virtual ID.

Thank you for your patience.


3. My router requires a Mac address of the smart bulb, how can I find that?

The Mac address is the 12 digit number of the product, you have to connect the bulb with the ghomesmart app first, then you may find the Mac address on the app.

Connect the bulbs via your home's data hotspot/friends' phone’s hotspot first, just open the hotspot as wifi, and then follow the instructions to connect. Make sure the wifi channel is 2.4gzh during the first connection.


Please remember to reset the bulb before connecting. Install the light bulbs to your lamp/socket, then reset it by turning on/off using the lamp’s switch, 3 times in a row (wait 2 seconds before turning off ), then you'll see the bulb flash rapidly or slowly. Slowly blinking indicator light is for AP mode, while fastly blinking indicator light is for Easy mode.

Easy Mode: http://y2u.be/AE-EWGnIQdQ

AP Mode: http://y2u.be/dUO0KwY0Ct0


When the bulbs are connected to ghomesmart app, you can find the Mac address on the app. Please follow these steps:

Open the app- click the smart device's name - and click "edit sign"  on the top right of the screen; Click "Device Information", then you'll find the Mac address.


4. The bulb emits a hissing sound or noise, it is very annoying. Can you fix this?

Do not worry, we got your back on this. Please provide us with your Order ID.

5. How to connect multiple bulbs to a fixture?

It is recommended to install them one by one. After the first bulb is connected to the app, kindly remove it from the socket and install the second bulb and repeat this process to all smart bulbs that you will connect to your desired lamp/ceiling fan. If you wish to control 3 bulbs with one button on the App, you can use the "Tap-to-Run" function.