shipping & returns
Delivery Time
Estimated deliverv time is 3-5 business,Once an item has been shipped, you will receive a shipment notification email.
Shipping method
Amazon functions as our logistics partner to ship out ghomesmart products. They will choose the carrier that they think works best for our customers.
If your ordered more than one item. We try to make sure all your items reach you at the same time. Sometimes our products are not always sent together since different shipping options can be used, depending on the product.
Return and Exchange Policy
If your order has been processed,we provide return and refund service under the following conditions
1. Please contact our customer service within 14 davs upon receivina the packaae if you wish to return items (date of arrival accordina to trackina information)
2. Returned items must be unopened and in good condition.
3. We do not accept items that are damaged, opened, used, or expired. It is the customers' responsibility to cover the return shipping cost.